The Vintage and Handmade Fairs in Chipping Sodbury are always a highlight in my calendar, with dates pencilled in months in advance so I won't miss them! As each one approaches I become like a child at Christmas, to the point where Mr Treasure is relieved when the fair days arrive so I can go wild in the vintage aisles and get it out of my system (until the next one!)
At about 7.30am yesterday morning, Mr Treasure and I headed to Chipping Sodbury, coats firmly done up and the car heating on full blast. Nope, I hadn't taken my Fair obsession to new heights and decided to huddle in a sleeping bag outside the hall to wait the fair to open...we were taking a car packed with Textile Treasure Seeker goodies and experiencing the Fair from a stallholder's point of view! Having always loved visiting the Fair, I was indeed very honoured when I was asked to be part of it!
There was a flurry of activity first thing as everyone unloaded their cars, brought in bags and boxes stuffed with vintage treasures and set up their stalls. One of the things I love most about the Vintage and Handmade Fairs (apart from all the gorgeous vintage goodies on offer) is the warm and friendly atmosphere. It's fabulous catching up with the friends I've made, as well as making new ones!
For the first time ever, I managed to set up my stall for a fair with time to spare before the doors opened! Big achievement...and also great because I could have a quick wander about to see all the other stalls (and make a few purchases along the way)! Here's a peek at some of the stalls in the main hall (unfortunately, I didn't manage to take any in the other rooms as I had to dash back to the Textile Treasure Seeker table of offerings as the fair opened).
Hen makes the prettiest cushions from vintage fabric. I was particularly drawn to the bobble trim on these little gorgeous ones.
Lucy Bloom
There's always so much to see on Lucy's stall, I have to go back several times to see everything! I did another fair over the summer, which Lucy was also the time I'd unpacked my first box, got in a complete pickle with what went where and tripped over several other boxes, Lucy and Jayne had calmly and swiftly set up their stall and were having a sit down, looking very serene. From that day on, I've always had 'unpacking stall envy' whenever I see them and dream of being as efficient and organised as them!
Charlotte Macey Textiles
There's something wonderful about vintage Christmas decorations, I just can't get enough of them. I think it's the combination of bright colours, great shapes and the feeling of nostalgia I get every time I see any. I'm definitely beginning to feel the Christmas spirit creeping up on me now!
Country Cottage Chic
Country Cottage Chic
Cowboys and Custard
Hen's Teeth
I could have happily bought everything on Viv's stall! She's so talented.

Nostalgia at the Stone House
Every time I see Niki's stall at a fair, I look longingly at the beautiful dolls she makes and vow that one day I'll give one a home. Imagine my joy yesterday when Mr Treasure said I could have one as a Christmas present! I'm supposed to be trying to forget about her so I can act all surprised on Christmas Day, but it's not working so far (only 26 days to go)!
It really was a fabulous day. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Michele and Jayne for organising yet another fabulous fair!
And there's more...
With all the excitement of yesterday, I mustn't forget to tell you about the Cotswold Vintage Fair that I was at on Saturday too. It really has been a weekend of vintage loveliness!
Here's my stall, complete with a bit of the outdoors brought in, in the form of the 'tree' that I hung my handmade decorations on (an idea I'd seen and admired in this month's Country Living magazine!)
Here are just some of my Textile Treasure Seeker originals that I took to sell at the fair. I took a few snaps of some of the other stalls and the goodies on offer at the fair too...

Kate and Lexy's Vintage
It was really lovely to meet Kate and Lexy. They've just started out selling vintage, as well as their own fabulous designs, and this was their first ever fair.


Hesta Nesta

Hesta Nesta
Vicky Loves Vintage
Original handmade Textile Treasure Seeker goodies coming to Blogland...
For those who couldn't make it to the vintage fairs, or for anyone looking to do a spot of Christmas shopping from the comfort of their favourite chair, I'm going to be posting some of my designs here for sale over the next week. Watch this space..!