I'm rather fond of this time of year. I always find it cosy, with the need to snuggle indoors, drink large mugs of hot chocolate and sit by roaring log fires, making plans for Christmas and the New Year. I do also like to venture out and visit places I love...seeing the turning leaves, doing a spot of Christmas shopping and rediscovering the delights of the familiar.
The last time I went back to my childhood hometown of Malvern, I took my camera so I could take you on a tour...
Over the bridge in the Winter Gardens, past the ducks and the bandstand, towards the theatre (where I've spent many a happy evening watching all manner of plays and films).
When I was small, we'd go and feed the ducks with chunks of bread. The ducks would always quack enthusiastically and Mum would say that they were laughing!
The Abbey Gateway has Malvern Museum in it now...I really must go and look around it again soon.
I've always liked this building (which now houses a restaurant), with it's fancy ironwork and old sign.
Victorian tiles are everywhere in Malvern. These sit colourfully on the outside of 'Pepper and Oz' (above).
I always forget how steep the roads are up town in Malvern! The hills are a mere hop, skip and jump away and it takes no time at all to climb them and be looking back at the town below.
There's a wonderful gallery (on Belle Vue Terrace) that's bursting with all sorts of handmade gorgeousness...
...including Poppy Treffry tea cosies...
...and bags!
Just along from the gallery is what used to Manders, the chemist. During World War Two, the grand metal columns were painted so they wouldn't be taken away for salvage and lost forever.
It's an absolute joy to pop inside. Even though it's no longer a chemist, you can still see reminders of its past.
These drawers run along both sides of the shop...there must be hundreds of them!
Ever since I can remember I've loved these tiles. They (and the ones below) sit on either side of the entrance to WH Smith.
I think it's the colours and hint of adventure they suggest that's always appealed to me!
Throughout my childhood, a trip to Morley's sweet shop was always a treat. It seemed huge to me then, with it's tall shelves full of glass jars bursting with every sweet imaginable. It's a shop and dry cleaners now and is tiny compared to how I remember it!
No tour would be complete without a visit to the Blue Bird. It's where I spent every Friday morning of the school holidays...they did the best cheese and pineapple toastie and milkshakes!